Sunday, October 21, 2012

Starting over... again.

I fell off of the running wagon. Gotta start over again, and this time, I am going back to square ONE. Hopefully, I don't get frustrated.bits not my musccles.that have been giving out, its my lungs.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Rough stuff

I learned my lesson. I went an entire week and a half without a run. I am ashamed. Sad part is, due to rain, I didn't even play ball either.

The most excercise I did was walking around work or taking the dog out.

But I started again...

Last night I went for a run and didn't even make it half a mile before my ribs started getting that stabbing feeling. Hoy crap! What a difference ten days make.

I camr home and looked at Travis and said, "I'm gonna have to start from the very beginng again."

Being the wonderful guy he is, he looked at me and said, "at least you're starting again... you could've just given up."

He was so right.

I came home and ran again tonight, doing a 200-200-400-400x2 interval run/walk. It felt good. I actually had the urge to go out again about an hour later, but I don't want to overwork myself. When I build up again, I think I might even be able to accomplish a satisfactory pace. So by then end of the month, I want to be at 3.1 miles... 5k.

Then I want to finish my first race.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Yesterday I had a late softball game. The reason I started playing is because I had convinced myself I could hit the ball...and I  could work on my fielding.

But its practice that makes perfect... not waiting around everday and go to gameday cold. Ugh.  I need to find someone who is willing to go and PRACTICE with me.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Can I call myself a runner?

Can I call myself a runner, even though I only make it 1.5 - 2 miles a day? Can I tell people, "I run everyday"?

Hell yes I can. I may not be a race runner (yet), but I'll be damned if I'm not a runner. I go everyday that I can to make my measly little run and strive to do better. Even when I am sooooo not into it mentally, I still force myself to do some semblance of a run. And everyday I seek new information that may make me better. Even if I only make it down to the white mailbox and back (.60 mi), I still did more than those that just think about running.

So hell yeah, I'm a runner.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Runs lately...

My runs lately have been crap. Its almost like I hit a wall. For about a week now, I couldn't make it past the mile and a half mark mentally... at least I believe it was mental because I wasn't absolutely exhausted.
I have been getting this lovely stabbing cramp right below my rib cage about a mile and a half in... any ideas?
On the bright side, I had a pretty awesome run this evening... I turned off the music and just ran. Tried to keep an even pace, tried not to worry too much on my landing, and tried to stay loose. Went a straight 1.86 miles. It felt good... but that damn stabbing cramp made me stop and hobble home.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Life is funny.

Funny strange, not funny ha-ha.

Running this week has been dismal. I can't seemto get over a mile and a half hump this week. I am chalking it up to a mental block because ifi had really pushed myself, I would have went farther... but I am just worn out.

Tomorrow is my break from running day. I want to start cross training and doing some sprints. I guess I am going to designate Sundays as my days I attempt to break my current bests. My friend Dustin has said that he will start running with me... help motivate and push me. We'll see how that goes. Off to bed now.

Sleep tight.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

9/12/12 - ugh

I haven't ran in two days... and.I am having a hard time motivating myself to do so now.

Stress makes me want to curl up into a ball.

I did, however, play ball last night. Lesson learned: there is a reason those cleats were only five dollars.